Oh Dam

project done by

Thomas-human resorces

Trinity– project manager

Owen– accuracy monitor

Dez-systems analyst

Connor– systems analyst

Project summery~ our project was finding our how hydro power works and be able to power something (in our case a portiable battery). We found a way to convert hydro power into electrial power.

Habits Of Mind

Our groups biggest struggle was managing our impulsitive because some of us would be here one day and gone the next and vise versa but we also had a hard time starting and staying focused to make a lot of progress on our project. If youve never tried to make a group project while half this group is missing its very difficult and when we are all here we get side tracked and dont get a lot done.

Our Process

  • What ideas did you brainstorm and how did you choose which direction to go?
    • we wanted to build a dam and try to power a light bulb to simulate a dam creating hydropower
  • What challenges did you face?
    • the water pressure in the bucket wasn’t strong enough to power the light bulb
  • What successes gave you hope?
    • we got rid of the bucket and decided to see if it would work if we hooked the hose directly to the sink 
  • Observations made throughout the process
    • bucket didn’t workProcrastinating was a major problem

Project photos

link above^^


  1. That was a really cool idea to use hydropower to generate electricity to power your portable charger! Great job thinking flexibly!

  2. if you made the design slightly bigger could it have produce slightly more power? the small compact design worked better than i expected. the idea was great and performed well.

  3. That is very creative idea, charging your phone with water power. I wonder how much more could have been achieved if there was less procrastinating.

  4. Wow! I really admire the outcome of your project and the ways you used your ideas to create a unique form of energy transformation project.
    I would also like to commend the various uses of tools used. From my personal experience recording the flow of energy is a very hard task. If you were to do this project again I would suggest explaining more about the transformation of hydro power to electrical energy.

  5. I liked your project an the idea of charging a phone with water power i wish your project worked because it would be cool to see it work in action otherwise good job!

  6. your project seems like it was a good idea and was fun to think about how you could have made it work more effectively

  7. What kind of agreement could you have made to help with your procrastination, do you think if you didn’t procrastinate you would have had a better finished product?

  8. very smart to use hydro-power as a tool to charge a phone. very innovative and smart. i liked that you guys came up with the idea to charge a phone instead of a light bulb or something rather.

  9. Very cool to build your own miniture dam, although the struggles, it seemed like you guys were good at persisting and working as a whole!

  10. How did you come to the conclusion of using hydro-power? Was there ever a point where you thought that your project wasn’t going to work? I have yet to experiment with hydro-power, and I am curious to see if it is similar to wind-power. I was also wondering what the most difficult material you worked with. Was it hard constructing your project within the limits of a high school classroom?

  11. So it sounds like you weren’t able to figure out how to slow down the water pressure to transfer the hydro energy to electrical energy thereby not getting it done. But the Idea of trying to transfer hydro to electric is a pretty dang awesome.

  12. i really like the idea to charge a phone with the hydropower. its a small design that really explains what is happening compared to the big version we saw downtown. was there a better way to museser the amount of worker that was charging? there was a video and picture that wasnt attached i wonder if that had some other big part or just forgot.

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